"It's been a perfect pairing of product knowledge expertise and, honestly, just some benchmarking conversations with people who are already doing it well. I've loved the connections with other agencies and other people who are in the same seat as me who are just trying to figure out how to do it right to be able to help their team be more efficient but then also to be better for their agents and downline agencies."

Justin R.
Oberlin Marketing
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"The connections have been amazing. I made connections that I've kept till today. We've been able to share information in person, too, with people on the spot. Gaining insight from others that are using the system in a different way that maybe I didn't think about."

Elka S.
Simpler Horizons Insurance Solutions
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"It's a must-do, no questions asked. BlocBuilder is worth every single minute and penny that you would spend coming."

Mary E.
Mary Eblen Health Insurance Agency
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"Oh, you just gotta go. You can't grow your agency, take this seriously, and make money if you're not tracking everything. You have to go. It's the way to grow."

Christina P.
Perez Financial Group
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"BlocBuilder is awesome! You learn so much from the sessions, and you have multiple networking opportunities with individuals in the industry."

Melissa S.
Insurance Associates
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"I learn so much from the sessions and just from having the AgencyBloc staff available and in person. And I also love meeting people that have similar roles to me."

Becca D.
United Producers Group
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"The investment is definitely a good ROI. For me, the best opportunity is to connect with my peers, talk about best practices, and find out what other agency owners are doing. BlocBuilder is worth its weight in gold."

Tracy H.
Capitol Benefits Group
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"BlocBuilder is just a great staple of an event. Everybody who's been to the event has great things to say about it."

Christian B.
Christian Brindle Insurance Services
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"It depends on how much time you want to dedicate to your profession. If you really want to understand your profession and tools, it's an all-in-one."

Ricky H.
Haisha Insurance
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"I've enjoyed the breakout sessions, and then my favorite was the Success Lab. It's just been great to be able to network with other agencies and with AgencyBloc members."

Sherri G.
RPS Benefits by Design
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"I love it. It's a great experience. I get to meet the crew of The Bloc and then all the other users, and we share ideas, tips, and tricks. It's fun!"

Leslye G.
JTS Financial
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"We look forward to expanding our knowledge and use of AgencyBloc at this year’s BlocBuilder. We were thoroughly impressed with the professionalism and thought-provoking classes that AgencyBloc provided during the last BlocBuilder. We are extremely happy to work with a company that listens to and cares about their clients."

Dianna M.
Definitive Financial

"Where do you want to take your business and what tools will you use to organize that process? Scientists say we only use about 10% of our brain's capacity - what if we could use 20%, 30% or more? Are you only using 10% of AgencyBloc's capacity? What if you could amplify that? Could you build a bigger business? Attend BlocBuilder to help your business move to the next level."

Karl S.
Medicare 2000

"The two day event was awesome! I love the fact that there was such content variety for the presentations. The flexibility to choose presentations each day based on our work schedule with the ability to go back and listen later was so valuable. It was an interactive, professional but fun group of people where we could easily network."

Carrie B.
Innovative Insurance Solutions

"BlocBuilder is definitely worth the money!"

Lynn N.


We’re here to help! For questions or comments about BlocBuilder, contact us at blocbuilder@agencybloc.com.